Directory Assistance

By: Dr. Jesse O. Bolinger

AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) is one of many programs administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service.  Unlike other National Service programs, VISTA members are unique in that they only serve in communities with poverty issues and only engage in capacity building activities.  Capacity building activities are those that create programs and make positive changes within a community.

I am pretty confident that we all may be tired of hearing about “available resources” or “resources to help people.”  When I hear about new resources, the first thing I think is “well, I hope I remember the name of that.”  Several years ago, I came across a printed resource directory and I thought it was a great idea.  However, I had concerns regarding the printed directory because the minute something is printed it can become out of date.  I knew that there was a different solution.  I also understood that in order for a resource directory to be helpful and effective it needs to be put in the hands of the people who need it.

As a result of the years that have elapsed since I initially saw the directory, and through a great deal of personal and professional growth, I was finally able to come up with a solution to compliment the printed directory, and alleviate concerns I personally found with it.   Through my term as a VISTA I have been able to begin work on bringing amore accessible directory to agencies that serve residents of Decatur county, and do it in a way that allows for easy updates. But, more importantly, it will bring the directory to those that need it!

The online resource directory will include resources ranging from listings of agricultural agencies to healthcare, human services, national hotlines and everything In between.  One of the most important features of the directory will be the ability for those who believe they may have updated information to submit the information for verification and inclusion in the directory.

As our society becomes better connected through mobile technology the ability to access the directory through a mobile app is important.  As a result, I hope to develop a mobile app that will allow individuals to access the directory, submit updates as well as access other information.

This project is still in progress, the technical side of the database is progressing well and work on mobile app layouts are also in progress.  As the process moves forward, we will begin seeking assistance from a volunteer to aid in maintaining the database and verifying updates that are submitted via the available form.

Over the remainder of my term of service as a VISTA, I encourage anyone who has questions, comments or ideas about how to improve the quality of life in Decatur County to contact me.  I enjoy having conversations with individual who wish to share their own personal experience and am always willing to visit with any individual or group. Please feel free to contact me by phone at (641)455-2896 or by e-mail at
